November 30, 2020

Opportunities between the UK and Lebanon

The Embassy of Lebanon in the United Kingdom, with the support of Berytech and QOOT Cluster, hosted a webinar entitled The Food and Beverage Industry. Opportunities between the UK and Lebanon

The Embassy of Lebanon in the United Kingdom, with the support of Berytech and QOOT Cluster, hosted a webinar entitled “The Food and Beverage Industry. Opportunities between the UK and Lebanon”, open to companies who would like to potentially export to the UK and access a new market.

During this webinar, experts from the United Kingdom discussed their experience on market trends, and how companies should focus on building their brands rather than the product. This session highlighted the potential of Lebanese brands in the UK market.

Berytech’s Chairman and CEO, Mr. Maroun N. Chammas, along with Mrs. Nadine Khoury, COO of Robinson Agri and President of QOOT Cluster, presented the different innovations in the agri-food sector in Lebanon, and the importance for companies to shift their strategy to become export-ready.

The webinar also put together a talk on how Lebanese fresh produce is ready to be exported, tackling the competitiveness and sustainability of imports focusing on accessing the UK market.

The webinar was informative and practical, bridging the logistics gap and market between the UK and Lebanon. It is a start on bridging both countries, converging their future interest in the newly established Lebanese F&B Association.

You can watch the full webinar here.


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Qoot Cluster