Skills Virtual Fair – Talks

QOOT Cluster is exhibiting at the Skills Virtual Fair: South-south and triangular cooperation, and will be having two of its QOOT Cluster members Sabah Corm, founder of RiginO, talking about Digital Traceability System, and Lina Zgheib, Seed Line Manager at Robinson Agri talking about new technologies in hybrid seeds and hydroponics.

Webinars Details

Title: Digital Traceability system

Date: Thursday, April 21, 2021
Time of the intervention: 5:00pm to 5:45pm
Zoom platform: Link will be shared upon registration

Join RiginO talking about their traceability solution for the agro-food sector during the Skills Virtual Fair, the drivers behind their innovation and the impact of joining a real-time end-to-end traceability platform that allows brand owners to log the details of every step if the supply chain establishing transparency and trust in their products.

Sabah Corm- Founder and CEO of RiginO SAL

Sabah graduated in Computer Science and holds an Executive MBA degree from the ESA Business School/ESCP Paris, with over 20 year of professional experience in corporate companies, and more than 10 years of marketing management. Sabah’s experience involves a great deal of marketing strategy, marketing communication, program management, people management and operations with a special focus on the digital approach. Sabah founded RiginO, a real-time traceability platform allowing brand owners to log the traceability events along the entire supply chain. The RiginO platform facilitates regulatory compliance, supplier management, incident reporting and recall management. It is democratizing access to leading-edge technology, reducing operating costs, optimizing resources and reducing economic and reputational risks for food businesses.


Title: New technologies in hybrid seeds and hydroponics.

Date: Thursday, April 21, 2021
Time of the intervention: 6:00pm to 6:30pm
Zoom platform: Link will be shared upon registration
Vegetables make up a major portion of the diet of humans worldwide. Thus it is crucial to improve both quality and quantity of this essential produce. New technologies in plant breeding combined with smart solutions (hydroponic farming) will guarantee food safety and food security for a better and healthier future.

Lina Zgheib- Seed Line Manager at Robinson Agri

After graduating from AUB , Lina worked for a year as Research in the animal food nutrition Laboratory in FAFS- AUB . She started working for Robinson Agri in 2007 and was promoted in 2012 to Seed line manager. She is also the business development responsible. Lina is responsible for all aspects of the product portfolio which includes but not limited to managing all proprietary and third-party products. She manages the product life-cycle management to maximize the revenue from all products throughout the lifecycle and recommend product sales volumes for budgeting purposes and production volumes. Lina conducts ongoing competitive and strategic intelligence to be positioned to anticipate new market opportunities.


Skills Virtual Fair Details

Date: April 21 and 22, 2021
Link to the event: https://www.ilo.org/skills/WCMS_774504/lang–en/index.htm

The Skills Virtual Fair aims to identify innovative solutions, through South-South and triangular cooperation, for specific skills development challenges, now exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The expected outcome of this initiative is to establish partnerships between participants, as well as peer learning opportunities, related to the following aspects of skills development and lifelong learning:

  • Quality apprenticeships,
  • Skills need anticipation,
  • Digital skills & digital transformation
  • Skills in Agriculture


If you have any questions please email us on Chantale.khourieh@qoot.org and we will get back to you.