Del Libano: Pioneering Authentic Lebanese Pasta Production
Del Libano is a new member of the Lebanese food industry that stands out from the crowd for being the only pasta factory that procures its durum wheat directly from local farmers. From cleaning and milling to packaging and distribution, Del Libano is involved in every step of the process. In this blog post, we will explore the innovation, the story behind it, and the benefits it brings to the community.
Innovation in Authentic Lebanese Pasta Production
Del Libano’s innovation lies in its approach to pasta production. By using only locally grown durum wheat with 13% protein suitable for the best pasta production, the company reduces imports and increases exports. Being a pioneer in the field of pasta production in Lebanon, Del Libano takes pride in its authentic and high-quality products.
The Story Behind Del Libano’s Innovation
The idea behind Del Libano’s innovation was simple yet powerful. Why import pasta when Lebanon has the best durum wheat? The founders of Del Libano recognized the potential of locally sourced durum wheat and decided to create an entire pasta production line that is both authentic and sustainable. They wanted to be part of the solution for the import-export gap in the country’s food industry.
Importance of Del Libano’s Innovation
Del Libano’s innovation is crucial for the local economy, as it supports local farmers by sourcing wheat directly from them, thus reducing imports. Furthermore, by increasing export opportunities, the company contributes to the growth of the Lebanese economy. Del Libano’s innovation also creates job opportunities for Lebanese nationals, mostly women who have been hit hard by the current crisis.
Beneficiaries of Del Libano’s Innovation
The beneficiaries of Del Libano’s innovation are numerous. Firstly, the company’s focus on local farmers means that they benefit from a steady income and a market for their produce. Secondly, the wider community benefits from a healthier and more sustainable food industry that supports the local economy. Lastly, the women employed by Del Libano benefit from job security and a sense of purpose in a time of economic uncertainty.
In conclusion, Del Libano’s innovative approach to pasta production sets it apart from the competition. By supporting local farmers, reducing imports, increasing exports, and providing job opportunities to Lebanese nationals, Del Libano is making a positive impact on the community and the economy.