HommosHummus is a one-of-a-kind product that provides consumers with a highly convenient hummus-making experience. It is a “Prep Bundle” that provides an easy and cost-effective way to make fresh hummus in seconds.
The product is all-natural, has preservatives free from chemicals, has no added oil, is low in sodium, and has a shelf life of 1.5 years without refrigeration. The product has eco-friendly packaging.
Interesting facts about your industry/company
Most ready-made hummus products in stores contain added oil which makes them low on nutritional value, where the protein-to-calorie ratio is low.
With HommosHummus, the customer gets the utmost nutritional value and plant-based protein from the hummus prepared, thus sparing what is known as “empty calories.”
What is your innovation?
The innovation behind HommosHummus is in the process of creating this simple yet unique product with advantages on so many different levels.
HommosHummus allows the customer to prepare fresh homemade hummus in the utmost convenient and cost-effective process. In two easy steps and less than one minute, fresh hummus can be prepared: the consumer adds water to the HommosHummus powder and stirs, then adds HommosHummus tahini paste and stirs to make fresh hummus anytime and anywhere.
The HommosHummus bundle includes HommosHummus powder and Tahini. It is available in different flavors with a shelf-life of over 1 year before preparation.
HommosHummus has zero added oil, contains no preservatives, and is highly nutritious with a high protein-to-calorie ratio, unlike most ready-to-eat hummus.
What is the story behind the innovation?
Making hummus at home is a long tricky process that requires overnight planning (to get the chickpeas ready) and some high-cost ingredients such as tahini.
Many different factors are at play to get the perfect hummus. This makes buying ready-to-eat hummus rather more convenient than going through the trouble of making it at home. But most hummus sold in stores fails to offer clean ingredients. Most ready-made hummus contains added oils, making them low on nutritional value, and they have a short shelf-life, which spans a limited time for consumers to buy and consume.
The overall reasons inspired us to create a way to make the home-making hummus experience most convenient. Hommos Hummus is the perfect solution, which offers the consumer clear, simple ingredients and a way to make hummus according to taste in less than one minute.
What made you think of starting the innovation?
There’s a worldwide increase in demand for hummus, with consumers looking for healthy food options besides being environmentally aware. And in today’s fast-paced world, consumers are more and more pushed to consume ready-made foods.
Nutco contemplated these market trends while keeping the consumer at heart and developed HommosHummus, a clean labeled product with zero preservatives, high protein value, and no added oils inside an environmentally sustainable pack.
Why is your innovation important? Why is there a need for such innovation?
HommosHummus is a 100% clean label product that makes hummus preparation easy and convenient. In two steps, fresh hummus can be prepared in seconds.
HommosHummus is a highly nutritious product with no preservatives, added oil, and a high protein-calorie ratio. The consumer can prepare hummus according to preference and without doubting the product’s ingredients as they are clear and straightforward. The product doesn’t require chilling, making it even more convenient in terms of storage and use.
With simple ingredients and high plant-based protein value, HommosHummus gives health-conscious customers a delightful go-to product they can trust.
Who is benefitting from your innovation? What is the impact on the general community?
We are proud to create this innovative product which provides a healthy and hassle-free way to make hummus at home. Nutco offers the hummus-loving consumer a clean-labeled nutritious product with simple ingredients and highly convenient use.
With HommosHummus, we contribute to the economy by relying on locally produced ingredients and harvests from local farmers. Furthermore, expanding our market will include more farmers in our supply chain buying their products and offer extra job opportunities within the local economy.