January 3, 2020

QOOT Cluster organizes crisis management sessions

QOOT Cluster organized several sessions to discuss solutions to the challenges faced in times of crisis.

QOOT Cluster organized several sessions to discuss the different solutions to the different challenges faced by its members in times of crisis.

The members met to discuss the challenges faced in this critical situation, and brainstormed about common solutions. They also attended an inspirational breakfast session with Dr. Roger Van Hoesel, Executive Director of Food Valley NL, to talk about the cluster role in time of crises while emphasizing on some international agri-food companies resilience and the way they succeeded through rough times.

Cluster members worked together and focused on different strategies to overcome this critical period by mapping and prioritizing the key risk areas stressing on the importance of finding substitutes of raw imported materials and building collaborative projects between industries.

Learn more about the importance of Clustering and the Role of Agri-food in crisis with Dr. Roger Van Hoesel here.


Picture of Qoot Cluster

Qoot Cluster