The first half of 2020 has brought tremendous challenges to Lebanese businesses. This is how Robinson Agri, QOOT Cluster member, reacted to the crisis.
Throughout the years, Robinson Agri has been fully dedicated to adding value to every step of the agricultural chain through technology, innovation, consistent follow up and outstanding service.
Their choice has always been investing where it matters to growers, to new investors, to Lebanese agriculture – thus regularly conducting trials to select the best supplies that fits the market while protecting our environment and protecting our natural resources.
In times of crisis, Robinson Agri’s mission remains to support Lebanese Agriculture to produce enough affordable healthy food.
For this end, Robinson Agri launched its new online campaign having as a core to raise awareness about the role of agriculture in securing food, contributing to the UN Sustainable development goals as part of their commitment, encouraging new investment in the agricultural industry, empowering small and medium growers, and preserving water and improving sustainability in agribusiness.
As a leading company in the agriculture sector in Lebanon, Robinson Agri does not settle for resilient. It thrives to support farmers by sharing knowledge and techniques , encourage new players in the agricultural field and stimulate healthy vegetable production and consumption.
You can check their posts on this link